Selected Publications |
FRAGA AM, ARAÚJO ESS, STABELLINI R, VERGANI N, PEREIRA LV. A Survey of Parameters Involved in the Establishment of New Lines of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews, v.1, p.1 – , 2011.AMPS K, ANDREWS PW, ANYFANTIS G, ARMSTRONG L, AVERY S, BAHARVAND H, BAKER J, BAKER D, MUNOZ MB, BEIL S, BENVENISTY N, BEN-YOSEF D, BIANCOTTI JC, BOSMAN A, BRENA RM, BRISON D, CAISANDER G, CAMARASA MV, CHEN J, CHIAO E, CHOI YM, CHOO ABH, COLLINS D, COLMAN A, CROOK J M, DALEY GQ, DALTON A, DE SOUSA PA, DENNING C, DOWNIE J, DVORAK, MONTGOMERY KD, FEKI A, FORD A, FOX V, FRAGA AM, FRUMKIN T, GE L, GOKHALE PJ, GOLAN-LEV T, PEREIRA, LV. et al. Screening ethnically diverse human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon conferring growth advantage. Nature Biotechnology, 29:1132–1144, 2011.Fraga, A.M. ; Soukoyan, M. ; Rajan, P ; de Almeida Ferreira Braga, Daniela ; IACONELLI JR., A. ; José Gonçalves Franco Jr ; BORGES JR., E. ; Pereira, L.V. . Establishment Of A Brazilian Line Of Human Embryonic Stem Cells In Defined Medium – Implications For Cell Therapy In An Ethnically Diverse Population. Cell Transplantation, v. 1, p. 1, 2010.Moreira de Mello, Joana Carvalho ; Araújo, Érica Sara Souza de ; Stabellini, Raquel ; Fraga, Ana Maria ; Souza, Jorge Estefano Santana de ; Sumita, Denilce R. ; Camargo, Anamaria A. ; Pereira, Lygia V. . Random X Inactivation and Extensive Mosaicism in Human Placenta Revealed by Analysis of Allele-Specific Gene Expression along the X Chromosome. Plos One, v. 5, p. e10947, 2010.E. Sidransky, et al. Multicenter Analysis of Glucocerebrosidase Mutations in Parkinson’s Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 361:1651-61, 2009.Raquel Stabellini, Joana Carvalho Moreira de Mello, Lys Molina Hernandes, Lygia V. Pereira. MAOA and GYG2 are submitted to X chromosome inactivation in human fibroblasts. Epigenetics, 4:1-8, 2009.VASQUES, L.R., STABELINI, R., SUKOYAN, M., E PEREIRA, L.V. XIST repression in the absence of DNMT1 and DNMT3B. DNA Research, 12:373-378, 2005.CARTA C, PEREIRA L, ARTEAGA-SOLIS E, LEE-ARTEAGA SY, STARCHER B, MERKEL CA, SUKOYAN M, KERKIS A, HAZEKI N, KEENE DR, SAKAI LY E RAMIREZ F. Fibrillins 1 and 2 perform partially overlapping roles during aortic development. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281(12):8016-8023, 2005.XUE, F., TIAN, C., DU, F., KUBOTA, C., TANEJA, M., DINNYES, A., DAI, Y., LEVINE, H., PEREIRA, L.V., E YANG, X. Aberrant patterns of X chromosome inactivation in bovine clones. Nature Genetics, vol. 31(6):216-220, 2002.Sukoyan, M.A., Kerkis, A.Y., Mello, M.R.B., Kerkis, I.E., Visintin, J.A., Pereira, L.V. Establishment of new murine embryonic stem (ES) cell lines for the generation of mouse models for human genetic diseases. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., vol. 35(5):535-542, 2002.Vasques, L.R., and Pereira, L.V. Allele-specific X-linked gene activity in normal human cells assayed by expressed single nucleotide polymorphisms (cSNPs). DNA Research, vol. 8(4):173-177, 2001.