References – 2006


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  3. CEREIA, M.; GUIMARAES, L. H. S.; PEIXOTO-NOGUEIRA, S. C.; JORGE, J. A.; TERENZI, H. F.; GREENE, L. J.; POLIZELI, M. L. T. Glucoamylase isoform (GAII) purified from a thermophilic fungus Scytalidium thermophilum 15.8 with biotechnological potential. African Journal of Biotechnology, v. 5, n. 12, p. 1239-1245, 2006.

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  5. COURI, C. E.; FOSS, M. C.; VOLTARELLI, J. C. Secondary prevention of type 1 diabetes mellitus: stopping immune destruction and promoting beta-cell regeneration. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v. 39, n. 10, p. 1271-1280, 2006.

  6. FIGUEIREDO, D. L. A.; MAMEDE, R. C. M.; PROTO-SIQUEIRA, R.; NEDER, L.; SILVA JR., W. A.; ZAGO, M. A. Expression of cancer testis antigens in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Head & Neck, v. 28, p. 614-619, 2006.

  7. FONTES, A. M.; DAVIS, B. M.; ENCELL, L. P. ; LINGAS, K.; COVAS, D. T.; ZAGO, M. A.; LOEB, L. A.; PEGG, A. E.; GERSON, S. L. Differential competitive resistance to methylating versus chloroethylating agents among five O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferases in human hematopoietic cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, v. 5, n. 1, p. 121-128, 2006.

  8. FONTES, A. M.; ORELLANA, M. D.; PALMA, P. V. B.; COVAS, D. T. Maturation of dendritic cells following exposure to different maturational stimuli. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, v. 28, n. 2, p. 89-96, 2006.

  9. FONTES, A. M.; PERTICARRARI, A.; TRIGO, F. R.; MORA, I. M.; GODOI, V. M.; COVAS, D. T.; BARBIERI, M. R. Alunos do ensino básico em ambiente de pesquisa. Revista Paulista de Pediatria, v. 24, p. 32-32, 2006.

  10. GÓES, E. G.; BORGES, J. C.; COVAS, D. T.; ORELLANA, M. D.; PALMA, P. V. B.; MORAIS, F. R.; PELÁ, C. A. Quality control of blood irradiation: determination T cells radiosensitivity to cobalt-60 gamma rays. Transfusion, v. 46, n. 1, p. 34-40, 2006.

  11. HAMERSCHLAK, N.; PASQUINI, R.; FERREIRA, E.; SOUZA, C.; VOLTARELLI, J. C.; VIGORITO, A. C.; MAIOLINO, A.; NUCCI, M.; SIMÕES, B. P.; RUIZ, M. A. Estudo retrospectivo do tratamento da leucemia mielóide aguda com o transplante de medula óssea- a experiência brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, v. 28, n.1, p. 11-18, 2006.

  12. KASHIMA, S.; ALCANTARA, L. C.; TAKAYANAGUI, O. M.; CUNHA, M. A.; CASTRO, B. G.; POMBO-DE-OLIVEIRA, M. S.; ZAGO, M. A.;  COVAS, D. T. Distribution of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) subtypes in Brazil: genetic characterization of LTR and tax region. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, v. 22, n. 10, p. 953-959, 2006.

  13. KASHIMA, S.; ALCANTARA, L. C.; TAKAYANAGUI, O.; MASSAITI, O.; CUNHA, M. A. V.; CASTRO, B. G.; POMBO-DE-OLIVEIRA, M. S.; ZAGO, M. A.; COVAS, D. T. Distribution of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) subtypes in Brazil: genetic characterization of LTR and Tax Region. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, v. 22, n. 10,  p. 953-959, 2006.

  14. LAURE, H. J.; FAÇA, V. M.; IZUMI, C.; PADOVAN, J. C.; GREENE, L. J. Low molecular weight squash trypsin inhibitors from Sechium edule seeds. Phytochemistry, v. 67, n.4, p. 362-370, 2006.

  15. MARQUES, V. D.; BARREIRA, A. A.; DAVIS, M. B.; ABOU-SLEIMAN, P. M.; SILVA JR., W. A.; ZAGO, M. A.; FAZAN, V.; SOBREIRA, C.; MARQUES JR., W. Expanding the phenotypes of the Pro56Ser VAPB mutation: proximal SMA with dysautonomia. Muscle & Nerve, v. 34, n. 6, p. 731-739, 2006.

  16. MATOS, D. M.; RIZZATTI, E. G.; GARCIA, A. B.; GALLO, D.A.P.; FALCÃO, R. P. Adhesion molecule profiles of B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas in the leukemic phase. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biologival Research, V. 39, P. 1349-1355, 2006.

  17. MATSUSHITA, H.; SCAGLIONI, P.; BHAUMIK, M.; REGO, E. M.; CAI, L. F.; MAJID, S. M.; MIYACHI, H.; KAKIZUKA, A.; MILLER, W. H.; PANDOLFI, P. In vivo analysis of the role of aberrant histone deacetylase recruitment and RARα blockade in the pathogenesis of acute promyelocytic leukemia. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, v. 203, n. 4, p. 821 – 828, 2006.

  18. MEIRELES, F. V., PROVIDELO, F. D., MERIGHE, G. F. K., MIRANDA, M., TRALDI, A. S., Birgel, E., MIGLINO, M. A., Pimentel, José Rodrigo V., WATANABE, Y. F. Challenges for Commercial Cloning – Planning the Future. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online). , v.34, p.235 – 242, 2006.

  19. NUNES, F. M. F.; FERREIRA, K. S.; SILVA JR, W. A.; BARBIERI, M. R.; COVAS, D. T. Genética no ensino médio: uma prática que se constrói. Genética na Escola, v. 1, n. 1, p. 19-24, 2006.

  20. OLIVEIRA, A. H.; RUIZ, J. C.; CRUZ, A. K.; GREENE, L. J.; ROSA, J. C.; WARD, R. J. Subproteomic analysis of soluble proteins of the microsomal fraction from two Leishmania species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, v. 1, n. 3, parte D1, p. 300-308, 2006.

  21. OLIVEIRA, A. H.; RUIZ, J.C.; CRUZ, A. K.; GREENE, L. J.; ROSA, J. C.; WARD, R. J. Expression in E. coli and purification of the nucleoside diphosphate kininase b from leishmania major. Protein Expression and Purification, v. 49, n. 2, p. 244-250, 2006.

  22. PENTEADO, F. C. L.; MEDEIROS, L.; ORELLANA, M. D.; PALMA, P.; FONTES, A. M.; TAKAYANAGUI, O. M.; COVAS, D. T. Clonagem e expressão da glicoproteína transmembrana do retrovírus HTLV-1 em células de mamíferos. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, v. 39, n. 2, p. 169-173, 2006.

  23. PEREIRA, G. S. P.; BRANDÃO, R. M.; GIULIATTI, S.; ZAGO, M. A.; SILVA JR., W. A. Gene class expression: analysis tool of gene ontology terms with gene expression data. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 5, n. 1, p. 108-114, 2006.

  24.  PEREIRA, G. S.; BRANDÃO, R. M.; GIULIATTI, S.; ZAGO, M. A.; SILVA JR.; W. A. Gene Class expression: analysis tool of Gene Ontology terms with gene expression data.Genetics and molecular research: GMR, v. 5, n. 1, p. 108-114, 2006.

  25. PEREIRA, V.; SALZANO, F. M.; MOSTOWSKA, A.; TRZECIAK, W. H.; RUIZ-LINARES, A.; CHIES, J. A.; SAAVEDRA, C.; NAGAMACHI, C.; HURTADO, A. M.; HILL, K.; CASTRO-DE-GUERRA, D.; SILVA JR., W. A.; BORTOLINI, M. C. Natural selection and molecular evolution in primate PAX9 gene, a major determinant of tooth development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 103, n. 15, p. 5676-5681, 2006.

  26. PIERONI, F.; OLIVEIRA, F. M.; PANEPUCCI, R. A.; VOLTARELLI, J. C.; SIMÕES, B. P.; FALCAO, R. P. Development of donor cell derived acute myeloid leukemia after stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplantation, v. 37, n. 8, p. 801-802, 2006. (CARTA AO EDITOR)

  27. PRADO, F. F.; SOUZA, W. E. R.; GODOI, V. M.; COVAS, D. T.; BARBIERI, M. R. Adote um cientista. Revista Paulista de Pediatria, v. 24, p. 32-32, 2006. 

  28. Souza, G.A.;Godoy, L.M.F.;Teixeira, V. R.; Otake, A. H.; Sabino,A.; Rosa, J.C; Dinarte, A.R.; Pinheiro, D.G.; Silva Jr., W.A.; Eberlin, M.N.; Chammas, R.; Greene, L.J..Proteomic and SAGE profiling of murine melanoma progression indicates the reduction of proteins responsible for ROS degradation. Proteomics, v. 6, n. 6, p. 1460-1470, 2006..

  29. PROTO-SIQUEIRA, R.; FIGUEIREDO-PONTES, L. L.; PANEPUCCI, R. A.; GARCIA, A. B.; RIZZATTI, E. G.; NASCIMENTO, F. M.; ISHIKAWA, H. C.; LARSON, R. E.; FALCÃO, R. P.; SIMPSON, A. J.; GOUT, I.; FILONENKO, V.; REGO, E. M.; ZAGO, M. A. PRAME is a membrane and cytoplasmic protein aberrantly expressed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma. Leukemia Research, v. 30, n. 11, p. 1333-1339, 2006.

  30. REGO, E. M.; RUGGERO, D.; TRIBIOLI, C.; CATTORETTI, G.; KOGAN, S.; REDNER, R. L.; PANDOLFI, P. P. Leukemia with distinct phenotypes in transgenic mice expressingPML/RARα, PLZF/RARα or NPM/RARα. Oncogene, v. 25, p. 1974-1979, 2006.

  31. RIBEIRO, R. C.; REGO, E. M. Management of APL in Developing Countries: Epidemiology, Challenges and Opportunities for International Collaboration. Haematology, v. 1, p. 162-168, 2006.

  32. RODRIGUESLISONI, F.; MEHEMET, D.; PEITL JR., P.; JOHN, C.; SILVA JR., W. A.; TAJARA, E.; BUCKINGHAM, J.; SOLITO, E. In vitro and in vivo studies on CCR10 regulation by Annexin A1. FEBS Letters, v. 580, p. 1431-1438, 2006.

  33. RULLER, R.; ROSA, J. C.; FAÇA, V. M.; GREENE, L. J.; WARD, R. J. Efficient constitutive expression of Bacillus subtilis xylanase A in Escherichia coli DH5α under the control of the Bacillus BsXA promoter. Biothecnology and Applied Biochemistry, v. 43, parte 1, p. 9-15, 2006. 

  34. SANTANA, B. A. A.; PINTÃO, M. C.; LIMA, R. S.; ABREU, E.; SCHEUCHER, P. S.; SANTOS, G. A. S.; GARCIA, A. B.; FALCÃO, R. P.; REGO, E. M. Asynchronous expression of myeloid antigens in leukemic cells in a PML/RARalpha transgenic mouse model. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v. 39, p. 615-620, 2006.

  35. SANTANA, F. A.; NUNES, F. M. F.; VIEIRA, C. U.; MACHADO, M. A. M.; KERR, W. E.; SILVA JR., W. A.; BONETTI, A. M. Differentially displayed expressed sequence tags in melipona scutellaris (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) development. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 78, n. 1, p. 69-75, 2006. 

  36. SANTOS, M. L.; PALANCH, C. G.; SALAONI, S.; SILVA JR., W. A.; NAGAI, M. A. Transcriptome characterization of human mammary cell lines expressing different levels of ERBB2 by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression. International Journal of Oncology, v. 28, p. 1441-1461, 2006.

  37. Savage SA, Calado RT, Xin ZT, Ly H, Young NS, Chanock SJ. Genetic variation in telomeric repeat binding factors 1 and 2 in aplastic anemia. Exp Hematol. 2006 May;34(5):664-71

  38. SILVA JR., W. A.; BORTOLINI, M. C.; SCHNEIDER, M. P. C.; MARRERO, A.; ELION, J.; KRISHNAMOORTHY, R.; ZAGO, M. A. mtDNA haplogroup analysis of Black Brazilian and sub-saharan population: implications for the atlantic slave trade. Human Biology, v. 78, p. 29-41, 2006.

  39. SILVA JR., W. A.; BORTOLINI, M. C.; SCHNEIDER, M. P.; MARRERO, A.; ELION, J.; KRISHNAMOORTHY, R.; ZAGO, M. A. mtDNA haplogroup analysis of black brazilian and sub-saharan populations: implications for the atlantic slave trade. Human Biology, v. 78, n. 1, p. 29-41, 2006.

  40. SOUZA, G. A.; GODOY, L. M. F.; TEIXEIRA, V. R.; OTAKE, A. H.; SABINO, A.; ROSA, J. C.; DINARTE, A. R.; PINHLEIRO, D. G.; ELERGIN, M. N.; GREENE, L. J. Proteomic and SAGE profiling of murine melanoma progression indicates the reduction of proteins responsible for ROS degradation. Proteomics, v. 6, n. 5, p. 460-470, 2006.

  41. SOUZA, G. A.; GODOY, L. M. F.; TEIXEIRA, V. R.; OTAKE, A. H.; SABINO, A.; ROSA, J. C.; DINARTE, A. R.; PINHEIRO, D. G.; SILVA JR., W. A.; EBERLIN, M. N.; CHAMMAS, R.; GREENE, L. J. Proteomic and SAGE profiling of murine melanoma

  42. Vasques, L. R. ; STABELLINI, R. ; XUE, F. ; Tian, X. C. ; Soukoyan, M. ; PEREIRA, L. V. . XIST Repression in the Absence of DNMT1 and DNMT3B. DNA Research, Japão, v. 12, p. 373-378, 2006.

  43. WUNSCH-FILHO, V.; ELUF-NETO, J.; LOTUFO, P. A.; SILVA JR., W. A.; ZAGO, M. A. Epidemiological studies in the information and genomics era: experience of the Clinical Genome of Cancer Project in São Paulo, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v. 39, n. 4, p. 545-553, 2006.

  44. YOON, A.; PENG, G.; BRANDENBURG, Y.; ORNELLA, Z.; REGO, E. M.; RUGGERO, D. Impaired control of IRES-mediated translation in X-Linked dyskeratosis congenita. Science, v. 312, n. 920, p. 920-926, 2006. (REPORTS)

  45. Young NS, Calado RT, Scheinberg P. Current concepts in the pathophysiology and treatment of aplastic anemia. Blood. 2006 Oct 15;108(8):2509-19.

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