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- ALMEIDA, F. M. DE ; MARQUES, S. A.; RAMALHO, B. DOS S.; RODRIGUES, R. F.; CADILHE, D. V.; FURTADO, D.; KERKIS, I.; PEREIRA, L. V.; REHEN, S. K.; MARTINEZ, A. M. B. . Human Dental Pulp Cells: A New Source of Cell Therapy in a Mouse Model of Compressive Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, v.8(9):1939-49, 2011.
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- ANDRADE, V. A.; GUERRA, M. T.; JARDIM, C. A.; MELO, F. M.; SILVA, W. A.; ORTEGA, M. J.; ROBERT, M. E.; NATHANSON, M. H.; LEITE, M. F. . Nucleoplasmic calcium regulates cell proliferation through legumain. Journal of Hepatology, p. 00-00, 2011.
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- BIRGEL JR, E. H.; MEIRELLES, F. V.; KOMNINOU, E. R.; NUNES, M. T.; POGLIANI, F. C.; FANTINATO NETO, P.; FANTINATO NETO, P.; YASUOKA, M. M.; PIMENTEL, J. R. V.; KUBRUSLY, F. S.; MIGLINO, M. A. . Clinical disorders observed during the first 30 days of life of cloned Zebu calf. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online), v. 39, p. s243-s252, 2011.
- BOING, A. F.; ANTUNES, J. L. F.; DE CARVALHO, M. B.; DE GOIS FILHO, J. F.; KOWALSKI, L. P.; SILVA JR, W. A.; MICHALUART, P.; ELUF-NETO, J.; BOFFETTA, P.; WUNSCH-FILHO, V. . How much do smoking and alcohol consumption explain socioeconomic inequalities in head and neck cancer risk?. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979), v. 65, p. 709-714, 2011.
- BRESSAN, F. F.; MIRANDA, M. D.; PERECIN, F.; DE BEM, T. H.; PEREIRA, F. T. V.; RUSSO-CARBOLANTE, E. M.; ALVES, D.; STRAUSS, B. BAJGELMAN, M.; KRIEGER, J. E.; BINELLI, M.; MEIRELLES, F. V. Improved Production of Genetically Modified Fetuses with Homogeneous Transgene Expression After Transgene Integration Site Analysis and Recloning in Cattle. Cellular Reprogramming, v. 13, n.1, p. 29-36, 2011.
- BRESSAN, F. F.; PERECIN, F.; PERECIN, F.; SANGALLI, J. R. ; MEIRELLES, F. V.. Reprogramming somatic cells: pluripotency through gene induction and nuclear transfer. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online), v. 39, p. s83-s95, 2011.
- BRUNETA, D. M.; PINTO, A. C. S.; FAVARIN, M. D. C.; BASSI, S. C.; FELICIANO, J. V. P. ; RIBEIRO, F. B.; PRADO JR, B. P. A.; SANTIS, G.; ANGULO, I. L .; COVAS, D.T. . Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Sickle Cell Disease: A Case Report. Anemia, v. 2011, p. 1-3, 2011.
- BUENO, K. C.; GOUVEA, S. P.; GENARI, A. B.; FUNAYAMA, C. A.; ZANETTE, D. L.; SILVA JR, W. A.; OLIVEIRA, A. B.; SCOLA, R. H.; WERNECK, L. C.; MARQUES, JR., W. . Detection of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Carriers in a Sample of the Brazilian Population. Neuroepidemiology, v. 36, p. 105-108, 2011.
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- CASTANHO, L. C.; SILVEIRA, R. C. C. P.; BRAGA, F. T. M. M.; CANINI, S. R. M. D.; REIS, P. E. D.; VOLTARELLI, J. C. Rationale for Hickman catheter removal in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, v. 24, n. 2, p. 244-248, 2011.
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- CHIARATTI, M. R.; FERREIRA, C. R.; PERECIN, F.; MÉO, S. C.; SANGALLI, J. R.; MESQUITA, L. G.; BALIEIRO, J. C. C.; SMITH, L. C.; GARCIA, J. M.; MEIRELLES, F. V. Ooplast-mediated developmental rescue of bovine oocytes exposed to ethidium bromide. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, v. 22, p. 172-183, 2011.
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- DA SILVA, M. T. A. ; AMBRÓSIO, D. L.; TREVELIN, C. C.; WATANABE, T. F.; LAURE, H. J.; GREENE, L. J. ; ROSA, J. C. ; VALENTINI, S. R.; CICARELLI, R. M. B.. New insights into trypanosomatid U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso), v. 106, p. 130-138, 2011.
- DALMAZZO, L. F. F.; SANTANA-LEMOS, B. A.; JACOMO, R. H.; GARCIA, A. B.; REGO, E. M.; DA FONSECA, L. M.; FALCAO, R. P. Antibody-targeted horseradish peroxidase associated with indole-3-acetic acid induces apoptosis in vitro in hematological malignancies. Leukemia Research, v. 35, n. 5, p. 657-662, 2011.
- DE BEM, T. H. C.; CHIARATTI, M. R.; ROCHETTI, R.; BRESSAN, F. F.; BRESSAN, F. F.; SANGALLI, J. R.; MIRANDA, M. S.; PIRES, P. R. L.; SCHWARZ, K. R. L.; SAMPAIO, R. V.; FANTINATO NETO, P. ; PIMENTEL, J. R. V.; PERECIN, F.; SMITH, L. C. ; MEIRELLES, F. V.; LEAL, C. L. V. . Viable calves produced by somatic nuclear transfer using meiotic-blocked oocytes. cellular reprogramming, v. 13, p. DOI: 10.1089/c, 2011.
- DE CARVALHO, D. D.; BINATO, R.; PEREIRA, W. O.; LEROY, J. M. G.; COLASSANTI, M. D.; PROTO-SIQUEIRA, R.; BUENO-DA-SILVA, A. E. B.; ZAGO, M. A.; ZANICHELLI, M. A.; ABDELHAY, E.; CASTRO, F. A.; JACYSYN, J. F.; AMARANTE-MENDES, G. P. BCR-ABL-mediated upregulation of PRAME is responsible for knocking down TRAIL in CML patients. Oncogene, v. 30, n. 2, p. 223-233, 2011.
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- DE OLIVEIRA, K. B. ; GUEMBAROVSKI, R. L.; ODA, J. M. M.; MANTOVANI, M. S.; CARRERA, C. M.; VISSOCI REICHE, E. M.; VOLTARELLI, J. C.; DA SILVA DO AMARAL HERRERA, A. C.; WATANABE, M. A. E.. CXCL12 rs1801157 polymorphism and expression in peripheral blood from breast cancer patients. Cytokine (Philadelphia) (Cessou em 2000. Cont. Cytokine+), v. 55, p. 260-265, 2011.
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- FERREIRA, F. R.; OLIVEIRA, A. M.; DINARTE, A. R.; PINHEIRO, D. G.; GREENE, L. J.; SILVA, W. A.; JOCA, S. R.; GUIMARÃES, F. S. . Changes in hippocampal gene expression by 7-nitroindazole in rats submitted to forced swimming stress. Genes, Brain and Behavior (Print), v. 1, p. no-no, 2011.
- FERREIRA, R. M.; AYRES, H.; CHIARATTI, M. R.; FERRAZ, M. L.; ARAÚJO, A. B.; RODRIGUES, C. A.; WATANABE, Y. F.; VIREQUE, A. A.; JOAQUIM, D. C.; SMITH, L. C.; MEIRELLES, F. V.; BARUSELLI, P. S. The low fertility of repeat-breeder cows during summer heat-stress is related to a low oocyte competence to develop into blastocyst. Journal of Dairy Science, v. 94, p. 2383-2392, 2011.
- FIGUEIREDO, D.L.A.; MAMEDE, R. C.M.; SPAGNOLI, G. C.; SILVA, W. A.; ZAGO, M.; NEDER, L.; JUNGBLUTH, A. A.; SAGGIORO, F. P. High expression of cancer testis antigens mage-a, mage-c1/ct7, mage-c2/ct10, ny-eso-1, and gage in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. Head and neck-journal for the sciences and specialties of the head and neck, v. 33, n. 5, p. 702-707, 2011.
- FONTES, A. M.; KASHIMA, S.; SILVA, R. B.; AZEVEDO, R.; ABRAHAM, K. J.; ALBUQUERQUE, S. R.; BORDIN, J. O.; LANGHI, D. M.; COVAS, D. T. . Association between Knops blood group polymorphisms and susceptibility to malaria in an endemic area of the Brazilian Amazon. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), v. 34, p. 539-545, 2011.
- FRAGA AM, ARAÚJO ESS, STABELLINI R, VERGANI N, PEREIRA LV. A Survey of Parameters Involved in the Establishment of New Lines of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews, v.1, p.1 – , 2011.
- FRAGA, A. M.; SOUKOYAN, M.; IACONELLI JR., A.; FRANCO JR, J. G.; BORGES JR., E. ; DAVEIGA PEREIRA, L . Establishment of a new line of human embryonic stem cells from the Brazilian population in defined medium: implications for cell therapy in an ethnically diverse population.. Cell Transplantation, v. 20, p. 431-440, 2011.
- FRAGA, A. M.; SOUZA DE ARAúJO, à RICA SARA ; STABELLINI, R.; VERGANI, N.; PEREIRA, L. V. . A Survey of Parameters Involved in the Establishment of New Lines of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews, v. 7, p. 775-781, 2011.
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- GALANTE, P. A. F.; PARMIGIANI, R. B.; ZHAO, Q.; CABALLERO, O. L.; DE SOUZA, J. E.; NAVARRO, F. C. P.; GERBER, A. L.; NICOLAS, M. F.; SALIM, A. C. M.; SILVA, A. P. M.; EDSALL, L.; DEVALLE, S ; ALMEIDA, L. G.; YE, Z.; KUAN, S.; PINHEIRO, D. G.; TOJAL, I.; PEDIGONI, R. G.; DE SOUSA, R. G. M. A.; OLIVEIRA, T. Y. K.; DE PAULA, M. G.; OHNO-MACHADO, L.; KIRKNESS, E. F.; LEVY, S.; SILVA WA JR; VASCONCELOS, A. T. R ; REN, B.; ZAGO, M. A.; STRAUSBERG, R. L.; SIMPSON, A. J. G.; DE SOUZA, S. J.; CAMARGO, A. A. . Distinct patterns of somatic alterations in a lymphoblastoid and a tumor genome derived from the same individual. Nucleic Acids Research, v. 39, p. 6056-6068, 2011.
- GARCIA, D.F.; OLIVEIRA, T. G.; MOLFETTA, G. A.; GARCIA, L. V.; FERREIRA, C. A.; MARQUES, A. A.; SILVA JR, W. A. . Biochemical and genetic analysis of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in a family, due to prolonged neuromuscular blockade after the use of succinylcholine. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), v. 34, p. 40-44, 2011.
- GUIMARAES, E. T.; CRUZ, G. S.; DE JESUS, A. A.; LACERDA DE CARVALHO, A. F.; ROGATTO, S. R.; PEREIRA, L. DA V.; RIBEIRO-DOS-SANTOS, R.; SOARES, M. B. P. . Mesenchymal and embryonic characteristics of stem cells obtained from mouse dental pulp. Archives of Oral Biology, v. 56, p. 1247-1255, 2011.
- HADDAD, R.; ALVES, D. C. C.; ROCHA JR, M. C.; AZEVEDO, R.; POMBO-DE-OLIVEIRA, M. S.; TAKAYANAGUI, O. M.; DONADI, E. A.; COVAS, D. T.; KASHIMA, S. . HLA-G 14-bp Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism is a Risk Factor for HTLV-1 Infection. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, v. 27, p. 283-288, 2011.
- HADDAD, R.; KASHIMA, S.; RODRIGUES, E. S.; AZEVEDO, R.; PALMA, P. V. B.; DE MAGALHÃES, D. A. R.; ZAGO, M. A. ; COVAS, D. T. . Silencing of HTLV-1 gag and env genes by small interfering RNAs in HEK 293 cells. Journal of Virological Methods, v. 173, p. 92-98, 2011.
- HADDAD, R.; KASHIMA, S.; RODRIGUES, E. S.; PALMA, P.V. B.; ZAGO, M. A.; COVAS, D. T. . Inhibition of Expression of HTLV-1 Structural Genes Mediated by Short Hairpin RNA In Vitro. Anticancer Research, v. 31, p. 2173-2178, 2011.
- KANNEN, V. ; MARINI, T.; ZANETTE, D. L.; FRAJACOMO, F. T.; SILVA, GYL E.B.; SILVA JR, W. A. ; GARCIA, S. B. . The melatonin action on stromal stem cells within pericryptal area in colon cancer model under constant light. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Print), p. 00-00, 2011.
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