CEDUC - Expansion Project

Ceduc – Educational Center of the Blood Center

The Regional Blood Center develops extensive and continuous educational program for training and development of physicians, nurses, biologists, physical therapist and laboratory technicians. These activities are also offered to experts and researchers, including post-graduate and resident students in hemotherapy and hematology and undergraduate students. Courses and trainings are offered to biology teachers from elementary schools of the region of Ribeirão Preto.
The management of the educational activities is centralized in the CEDUC- Educational Center of the Blood Center, which allows the interaction between the knowledge produced in the areas of research and students of elementary school, as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students.
We highlight the project that will be implemented whose objective is the construction of a building designed for education. The project with a total area of 1,600m2 consists of classrooms, library, amphitheater, celularium, House of Science and rooms for pedagogical support.