Classrooms: |
Green classroom – (72 m²): unit with controlled temperature, it has modulated tables with individual chairs, capacity for 80 people, equipped with internet and multimedia system. |
Yellow classroom – (22 m²): unit with controlled temperature, it has individual school chairs, capacity for 30 people, equipped with mobile multimedia system. |
Orange classroom – (25 m²): unit with controlled temperature, it has individual school chairs, capacity for 30 people, equipped with mobile multimedia system. |
Purple classroom – (25 m²): unit with controlled temperature, it has individual school chairs, capacity for 30 people, equipped with mobile multimedia system.
Meeting Room – (22 m²): unit with controlled temperature, conference table, television, capacity for 10 people, equipped with multimedia system. |
Conference Room: |
Red – (146 m²): with controlled temperature, it has individual chairs with mobile arms, capacity for 180 people, equipped with multimedia system, internet and sound system. |
Blue – (62 m²): with controlled temperature, it has individual chairs with mobile arms, capacity for 50 people, equipped with multimedia system, internet and sound system. |
Computers Center: |
(47m²) Computers central unit, it has: 1) Central Server, with an optic disc unit to record and read, 16 DIMM memory module , two Hard drives HP U320 SCSI 73 GB, 12 disc units of 72,8 GB, one unit of magnetic tape Ultrium 448, operational system HPXV v1 – Model HP RP 4440; 2) PA-RISC serie 9000 server, with 2 memory modules of 512 MB, with unit of magnetic tape Leasg 16-00, HP-UX V.11 – Model HP L2000 operational system; 3) PA-RISC serie 9000 server, with disc unit of 2 GB, two external discs of 2 GB – HP K210/128 model; 4) Data bank: a) Oracle 10G Database Standard, platform HP-UXPA-RISC; b) “Progress” system; 5) 2 Servers with 1024 MB memory, disc unit of 72 GB, HP DL 380 model; 6) Net system Hub – Model 3 COM Super Stack; 7) No-Break, nominal power de 10 KVA automatic; personal computer, scanners and printers, among others. |
Laboratories: |
Laboratory of Cryobiology I – (71 m²): this unit has areas of support, freezing and storage of hematopoietic progenitor cell (umbilical cord blood). It has the following equipment: sterile connection device, computer, pipettes, preservation chamber with embryo freezer accessory to blood bags storage, cryoplus storage system, dielectric manual sealer, automatic hemoseal sealer for blood bags, laminar flow, automatic cell counter, -20C freezer, -86C freezer, 25 kg high pressure cylinder, water purification system to produce type 1 water, CO2 incubator, pH meter, optic inverted microscopy, thermal hydrometer, cryogenic container for transportation, conservation chamber, analytical balance, plasma extractor, frezenius universal sealer, storage system “bioarchive”, low speed refrigerator centrifuge, among others. |
Laboratory of Gene Transfer – (41 m²): laboratorial area. It has the following equipment: inverted microscopy, colored screen, micro pipettes, electrophoresis chambers, vacuum pampers, automatic electrophoresis system, refrigerator, laminar flows, centrifuges, incubators, printers, colored table scanner, angle rotor, freezer, video digital, duplex refrigerator, magnetic stirrer, automatic thermo cycler, pH meter, incubator, advanced filtration system, computers and printers, among others. |
Quality Control Laboratory – (44 m²). It has basically the following equipment: coagulometer, precision pipettes, refrigerators, microscopes, pH meters, water baths, freezer, centrifuges, spectrophotometer, laminar flow, among others. |
H.L.A. Laboratory – (22 m²). It has basically the following equipment: thermo cycler, flow cytometer, platform, microscope, water-bath, centrifuge, pipettes, digital camera, electrophoresis chamber, balance, tubes stirrer, freezer refrigerators, laminar flow, incubator, electrophoresis system, computer and printer. |
Cell Culture Laboratory – (68 m²): laboratorial and room culture area. It has basically the following equipment: binocular optic microscope, CO2 container, precision pipettes, freezer (-86°), phase contrast inverted microscope, vortex, CO2 incubator, water bath, refrigerated centrifuge, semi-automatic photo-micrograph system, N2 container, laminar flow, binocular microscope, pH meter, refrigerators, inverted microscope, analytical balance, water distiller, electrophoresis system, bar code reader, laminar flow, among others. |
Molecular Biology Laboratory – (94 m²): laboratorial area. It has the following basic equipment: electrophoresis power supply, water distiller, water bath, video copy processor, microplates homogenizator, pipettes, vacuum pump, microscopic image acquisition system, transilluminator, laminar flow, incubator, centrifuge, duplex refrigerator, automatic thermo cycler, sample concentrator, freezer, spectrophotometer, speed vac with high capacity components, computers and printers, among others. |
Cellular Biology Laboratory – (67 m²): laboratorial area. It has the following basic equipment: refrigerators, electrophoresis system, printers, pipettes, chambers, spectrophotometer, cellmax pump station, scintillations counter and micro plates, freezer, centrifuges, microscope, water bath, laminar flow, computers, printers, among others. |
Flow Cytometry Laboratory – (47 m²): laboratorial area. It has the following basic equipment: flow cytometry, pipettes, refrigerators, vacuum pump, facstation macintosh power station, fac sorting interface, micro pipettes, centrifuges, computers, printers, among others. |
Molecular Genetic Laboratory – (47 m²): unit composed of laboratorial area. This laboratory has the following basic equipment: projector, multimedia, automatic thermocyclator, freezer, PCR camera, vertical laminar flow, pipettes, refrigerators, horizontal electrophoresis systems, hit bath, micro centrifuge, magnetic shaker, sequencer, plate sealers, oven for bacterial culture, DNA genetic analyst, multi-screen mini protean, micro plates systems, sonicator, incubator, gel running, automatic sequencer, scanner HP Scanjet, micropipettes, digital thermo mixer, computer, notebook, desk jet, etc. |
Bioinformatics Laboratory -(25 m²): unit composed of informatics area. This laboratory has the following basic equipment: personal computer, desk scanners, desk jets, multimedia projector, etc. |
Research and Study Laboratory – (34 m²): unit composed of area of informatics research. This laboratory has the following basic equipment: personal computers, desk jets, etc. |
Library – (42 m²): this unit have 2024 books, 4,000 periodic and journals, 19 references sets (printed and digitalized), 231 theses, dissertations and monographs, guides, 11 electronic signatures, 2 journals signatures, annals and collection of scientific production, etc. |
Audiovisual – (33 m²): unit composed of area for elaboration and production of bibliographic material and multimedia images. This area has the following basic equipment: computers, desk scanners, desk jets, plotter, camera camcorder, CD and DVD recorder machine, portable projectors, etc. |
Nursing services – (76 m²) – this unit is composed of areas for nursing management, administrative support, aphaeresis, transfusion room, medical clinics, screening of donors and blood collection. This area has the basic equipment: computers, printers, sphignomanometer, aphaeresis systems, blood bag sealer, chairs for aphaeresis, infusion bombs, urgency cars, surgical vacuum cleaner, etc. |
Social service – (21 m²) – this unit has areas for social support to donors and patients. It has the basic equipment: computers, printers, scanner, video camera, digital camera, television and DVD player. |
Laboratory of Hematology – (622 m2): this unit is composed of administration area, laboratory and cell culture room. It has the basic equipment: refrigerator, freezers –20 and – 80 C, centrifuges with and without refrigeration, speed vac centrifuge, cytocentrifuge, microwave, hybridization oven, hybridization oven for microarray, analytical balance, pH meter, geneQuant, spectrophotometer, ice machine, machine for cell freeze, bench refrigerate incubator, thermo cycle, Real Time PCR system, dry bath, water bath, water purification system, laminar-flow hood, rack negative isolator, CO2 incubator, horizontal shaker, tubes shaker, magnetic stirrer with and without heating, power supply for electrophoresis chamber, vertical and horizontal electrophoresis chambers, tissue drill, scanner, photo documentation system, autoclave, cell counter/analyzed, pipettes, computers and printers. |
Biocenter – (1.006 m²) – this unit is composed of areas for HLA and biotechnology laboratories and hereditary anemias, Cell therapy, Cytogenetic and Immunofluorescence, House of Science and support rooms. |
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Hereditary Anemias – It has the basic equipment: microwave, shakers, water bath, incubator and analytical balance. |
Laboratory of Cell Therapy – It has the basic equipment: microscopy, pipettes, refrigerated centrifuge, freezer, water bath, Laminar-flow Hood class 2, cell counter, CO2 incubator, Nitrogen liquid container, electrophoresis chambers, pH metrer, analytical balance, electrophoresis power and freezer -86C. |
Laboratory of Cytogenetic and Immunofluorescence – there are in this laboratory the basic equipment: microscopy, fluorescent font, culture incubator, safety cabin, vortex, cell counter. |
House of Science and Museum and Laboratory for Science Teaching – this unit is composed to areas for educational activities. It has the basic equipment: computers, printers, plotter, scanner, DVD player, cassette player, video cameras, digital cameras, multimedia system, televisions, microscopy, electronic keyboard, notebook and refrigerator. |
Laboratory of Animal Studies – (722,45 m²) – this unit has two floors for animal manipulation, studies and surgical procedures. This unit is under construction. |
Biotechnology Laboratory – (5.438 m²) – this unit has six floors for highly specialized laboratories equipped for cell culture, cryopreservation, serology, NAT, FVIII production. The project is finalized and approved, awaiting the release of resources to begin the construction. |
Animal Manipulation Room – (54 m²) – This unit is composed of areas for animal manipulation. It has the basic equipment: safety cabin, freezer, centrifuge and shelves for animal cases. |
Animal House – Faculty of Pharmacy: This unit is SPF (specific pathogen-free). It is composed of 3 rooms for mice and rats. It has the basic equipment: iron shelves and a “pass-through”, autoclaves, ventilated breeding racks, shelves for maintenance of approximately 300 couples of matrixes of mice in expansion, a total of 8 lines, providing the scientific community an average of 500 mice per month and a total of 40 couples (matrixes) of Wister rats. |
Center for Chemical Proteins – (460 m²) – this unit has areas for sample preparation, electrophoresis, administration office, meeting rooms. It has the basic equipment: tubes stirrer, magnetic stirrer, electrophoresis power, refrigerator, hypercassete, pH meter, and electrophoresis evaluation system, production system of ultrapure water and pre-treatment of water. |