
Innovation Program


SUPERA is a nonprofit business incubator of technological base companies, which offers support for the development of new business, providing basic services, advice, training and networking. The objective of the incubator is to contribute for the creation, development and upgrading of companies regarding their technological, management, marketing, human resources aspects, thus, creating new opportunities of job and improvement in the development of business. Currently, SUPERA has three branches, at the University Campus, at the Regional Blood Center of Ribeirão Preto and at Campos Elíseos. Currently the Business houses two resident companies (Hash Medical Solutions and FIGLABS Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento) and two pre-resident companies (eBio – Soluções em Informática Biomédica and Nanophoton).


The development of new diagnostic tests. In 2009 a test for HIV and Hepatitis C based on molecular techniques (NAT), was developed and implemented in the routine of the Blood Center. This test will become available for Secretaria de Saúde of the State of São Paulo for the implementation in other blood centers.

The development of a molecular platform in-house for the discriminatory and confirmatory diagnosis of the HTLV-1/2 infection, aiming the development and production of kits and supplies for the diagnosis of the HTLV- 1/2 infection. This project has a partnership with the company Gene IS S/A, which deals with DNA analyses, and has as a fundamental feature to set up partnerships with institutions of research and technology.

The development of a real time communication system. This project developed by the Blood Center and Ministry of Heath intends to perform a study aiming at the development of a real time communication system among companies and institutions linked to biotechnology. This system has as goals: providing libraries with diverse bibliographical material; extending the training of personnel; allowing the organization of interactive networks; spreading the wide use of bioinformatics and associated tools; providing virtual environment for interaction and cooperation in researches in the field of biotechnology in order to facilitate the generation of business.



eBio – Soluções em Informática Biomédica
eBio works on the development of solutions in the Biomedical Informatics area.

Essentii – P &D de Produtos Farmacêuticos e Odontológicos
The company works on the development of pharmaceutical products, focusing on the development of national technology through processes that do not generate industrial waste and employing natural and biodegradable products.

Nanophoton – Nanotecnologia a serviço da vida
Nanophoton has a group of professionals highly qualified in high quality services and management consulting in scientific and technological development in Nanotechnology and Photoprocess in the Esthetics and Health areas.


Invent Biotecnologia
Invent has two focuses as segments, the scale-up of the polyclonal antibodies production and recombinant protein production to be used as immunogen. In parallel, partnership with university laboratories has enabled the prospection of new projects and the development of new lines of products.

Veritas Life Sciences
Veritas is a start-up company of biotechnology, which uses omic and bioinformatics tools for the discovery and commercialization of biomolecules of high value aggregated to meet the current challenges in health and bioenergy.

Verdatis – Desenvolvimento Biotecnológico
Verdatis has been developing technologies that involve the use of enzymes in industrial processes. Currently, the company is focused on rational enzyme design to act in the biorefinery processes of sugar-ethanol, paper and cellulose sectors.

Lynchnoflora is a company specialized in the extraction, purification, isolation and structural identification of substances from natural and synthetic products.

Labtools is intended for the development, production and commercialization of water purification, with high capacity for daily production, supplying laboratories of several sectors such as universities, pharmacies, industries, etc. The product IONLESS has its design developed by Instituto Parqtec de Design.

Farmacore – Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Biotecnologia
Farmacore is a microenterprise of biotechnological base created with the objective of performing screening, research, development and innovation of products with pharmacotherapeutic and biotechnological potential aiming at meeting a demand and innovative products intended for the comfort and human and animal health.

Figlabs – Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
Figlabs provides to its partners and clients the implementation of projects of electrical appliances, management consulting and coaching in the areas of medical instrumentation and ultrasound, having as main goal the creation and development of innovative product in the hospital area.

Hash Medical Solutions
Hash Sistemas is an innovative company which intends to invest in areas for life quality improvement of patients, revolutionizing the medical care provided for the society. The company acts in the areas of development, management consulting, production, commercialization of high technology intended for health.

Virológica is a company of diagnostic services that offers solutions for problems and questions involving microbiology through the detection of important pathogens by recent methods of molecular diagnosis.

ProBio – Pesquisa e Biotecnologia
Probio has as goal to research, produce and develop, through clone and protein expression, materials for clinical, dental and medical use, used in the rehabilitation of mineralized tissues.

Al Sukkar – Biotecnologia Industrial
Al Sukkar is a company that works on the development of products from chemical and microbiological methodologies with the objective to analyze the samples of the process of ethanol production. The company offers products for the control of production process.

Lipid – Ingredients & Technologies
Lipid helps with technical support in the development of products, applying the knowledge in several types of formulations as lipid emulsion for parenteral, liposome, mixed micelles, suspensions, nanoemulsions, aerosols use, among other release systems.

TZ Epigentech
TZ Epigentech concentrates in the production and trading of industrial enzyme, solutions for the industries of pharmaceutical drugs, bread, cookies, canned food, dairy products, beverages, juice, diet products, cosmetics, among others.

Rad Tech Sistemas Médicos
RadTech is company intended to the development of mobile x-ray equipment for medical and veterinary application.

Autrax Tecnologia
Autrax produces equipment and services with modern technology in projects for industries in the several expertise fields of the company.



Ceramis- Tecnologia em Polímeros
Ceramis is a chemical company that works on the production of epoxide polymer. The manufacturing activities of these polymers, waterproofing service of tanks and recovery of industrial equipment are intended to industries in general and water and sewerage departments.

Narcissus – Pesquisa Clínica e Biotecnologia
Narcissus works on the development of pre-clinical and clinical tests intended to cosmetic and drugs companies, besides applicability in corrosion tests.

Innolution – Sistemas de Informática
Innolution works on the development of corporate and personal use solutions that explore wireless technologies, Ubiquitous computing, Internet, storing, distribution, extension and data recover.

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