Management Plan

The management of the CTC will follow the chart below.














Executive Committee (EC): composed by the Coordinator of the Center, Deputy Coordinator, Coordinator of Education and Knowledge Dissemination, Coordinator of Transfer of Technology and the Administrative Coordinator will be responsible for the overall coordination of the CTC. The EC will act in line with the recommendations of the International Advisory Board.

Coordination of Research(CR): Composed by all the principal investigators (PIs) and represented in the EC by the Deputy Coordinator of the Center. This coordination will meet at least once every two months to suggest priorities in relation to acquisition of equipment, small items and quotas for consumables, and in relation to space usage.

Educational and Dissemination Coordination (EDC): Responsible to coordinate the outreach activities (education and dissemination of knowledge), carried out by the Educational Center of Blood Center of Ribeirão (CEDUC). The CEDUC, that includes the House of Science, the Museum and Laboratory for Science Teaching (MULEC), the TV studio, the library and the laboratories of education.

Technology Transfer Coordination (TTC): TTC will be responsible for innovation and issues related to intellectual property (generation, registration and licensing of new technology, products, processes and services generated by the Center). A permanent group of technicians and researchers will dedicate to the evaluation of the degree of innovation contained in the various projects in development, as well as the opportunities for the development of products, processes and services likely to be protected by patents or registry of process. The transfer of these products, processes and services for the public or private sector should be evaluated preliminarily in this coordination and after submitted to the assessment of the EC. The TTC also must represent the Center in the Business Incubator of the Blood Center (SUPERA Hemocentro) and in the future Technological Park of Ribeirão Preto. This coordination will be the responsible or the link with the USP Innovation Agency, an administrative branch of the University of S. Paulo organized in 2005, which deals with all issues of technology transfer and intellectual property of that university.

Administrative Coordination (AC): AC will be formed by the Division of Programs and Projects of the Blood Center (business, purchases, contracts, services) and the Quality Management Department in charge of the systematic evaluation of the quality of administrative and technical processes developed by the Center.

The purchasing processes of equipment and consumables, the demands for the provision of services and the payments, once approved by the Coordinator of the Center, will be sent by Administrative Coordination to the competent sectors of FUNDHERP that will implement them in accordance with the current standards. The FUNDHERP is a foundation with an annual budget of about R$ 47 million, and operates under the control rules of State of São Paulo Audit Office.

Annual Meeting. The Member of the International Advisory Board, a FAPESP observer, the national and foreigner collaborators and all the participants of the Center will be invited to the Annual Meeting for performance assessment. Additionally the Center will hold quarterly meetings with the goals of team integration, exchange of scientific information, and critical evaluation of ongoing projects.


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