
II Workshop on Immunotherapy

The CTC organized the “II Workshop on Immunotherapy”. The event was held on 11/17/2017, in the Amphitheatre Red Blood Center of Ribeirão Preto.

The meeting was attended by researchers from USP, Hemocentro RP, INCA, ANVISA, FINEP, GE Healthcare Life Sciences and Prof. Dr. Bruce Levine of the Center for Advanced Cell Therapies, Philadelphia, in the United States.

Among the topics covered were leukemia and lymphoma treatments, the transfer of technology from academia to industry, clinical application protocols and product regulation proposals.

Workshop Immunotherapy

The CTC organized the “1st Workshop Immunotherapy”. The event was held on 08/24/2016, in the Amphitheatre Red Blood Center of Ribeirão Preto.

The meeting discussed topics such as leukemia and lymphomas – Current treatment; Clinical trials with CARs for leukemias; CARs types of T-cells to B cell neoplasia malignancies and T Cell Expansion.

Workshop on Hematology

On 09/03/2015, USP and Université Sourbonne Paris Cité held in Ribeirão Preto a workshop on Hematology with the presence of researchers from both institutions to present and discuss projects and to encourage the participation of new students and researchers. This workshop relies on the support of the Hemocentro RP and the Center for Cell-based Therapy of FAPESP.

See more videos in Hemocentro YouTube Channel.

Workshop on language and write

Considering the new changes in the Portuguese language spelling rules, which became effective in 2012, the Center of Education (CEDUC) of the Regional Blood Center of Ribeirão Preto launched a program of workshops to update the employees on the new changes. The objective is to take the new spelling rules to the technical and administrative team.

In august 2015 was released the course: “Institucional Write Workshop”.

INCTC Workshop

In 2011, it was held the 1st INCTC Workshop at the Regional Blood Center of Ribeirão Preto, gathering investigators of all centers linked to the project. The objective was to promote the interaction among students, young investigators, colleagues and principal investigators.

Around 130 participants presented 73 posters about projects. They were grouped to link the related topics and five were defined: Immune Modulation and Reconstitution; Isolation and Characterization; Pluripotency, Reprogramming and Differentiation; Pre-Clinical Studies (Treatment & Quality Control); Stem and Cancer Cells (Molecular Aspects & in vivo Interactions). Lectures given by principal investigators and colleagues and round-tables with guests also composed the scenery of the Workshop.

In december 2014, about 70 researchers attended the II CTC Workshop for monitoring the activities and goals set in 2014. See in INCTC on TV! 

Posters displayed

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