Vitor Marcel Faça


Vitor Marcel Faça
Professor of Biochemistry, FMRP/USP
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1991-1995 Graduated in Chemistry, University of São Paulo, Brazil
1996-1998 Masters in Molecular Biology, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil.
1998-2002 PhD in Molecular Biology, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil.
2003-2004 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of São Paulo, Brazil
2004-2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA 

Research Interests  

Cancer Metastasis
Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition
High throughput and Targeted Proteomics 

Research Overview   The spread of metastasis to distant sites is the leading cause of death from cancer and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenomenon, which occurs during normal embryonic development and tissue injuries, is also activated during the progression and metastasis from numerous cancers. The EMT process implicates complex changes in cancer cells and their local microenvironment. Factors that promote EMT in cancer are starting to be elucidated. To extend and identify in more detail the molecular events at protein and post-translational levels occurring during EMT, we are studying adenocarcinomas, such as lung, breast, pancreas, ovarian and prostate, induced to EMT using comprehensive proteomics tools. The identified proteomic molecular signatures are being used as a basis for development of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) methods for multiplex quantification of proteins relevant to EMT by LC-MS/MS. This strategy, initially of comprehensive and detailed studying the changes of the proteome during EMT, followed by a targeted analysis aiming extensive validation of protein candidates in patient samples, will certainly uncover truly novel protein targets for extensive clinical validation focused on theranostic applications in metastatic cancer. 
Lab Staff  

Gabriela Solano Canchaya, PhD Student
Daniele Albuquerque, Master Student
Carolina Hassibe Thomé, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Vera Lucia Epifânio, Technical Support


Eduardo Brant de Oliveira, PhD
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP
Laboratório de Proteínas 

International Collaborators  

Sharon Pitteri, PhD
Professor of Stanford School of Medicine 

Facilities Coordination  

LC-MS/MS Platform (Xevo TQ-S and Acquity I-class, Waters)
Proteomic studies and Bioinformatics Analysis Applied to Proteomics 

Selected Publications  

1. HANASH, S.; PITTERI, S. J.; FAÇA, V. M. Mining the plasma proteome for cancer biomarkers. Nature (London), v. 425, p. 571-579, 2008.
2. FACA, VITOR M. et al, A Mouse to Human Search for Plasma Proteome Changes Associated with Pancreatic Tumor Development. PLoS Medicine, v. 5, p. e123, 2008.
3. FACA, VITOR; et al,. Comprehensive Profiling of the Cell Surface Proteome of Sy5Y Neuroblastoma Cells Yields a Subset of Proteins Associated with Tumor Differentiation. Journal of Proteome Research, v. 8, p. 3791-3796, 2009.
4. FAÇA, V. M.; HANASH, S. M. In-Depth Proteomics to Define the Cell Surface and Secretome of Ovarian Cancer Cells and Processes of Protein Shedding. Cancer Research, p. 728, 2009.
5. DOS SANTOS, G.A. et al, Interaction of 10-(octyloxy) decyl-2-trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate with mimetic membranes and cytotoxic effect on leukemic cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, p. 1-2, 2010.
6. TAGUCHI, AYUMU et al. Lung Cancer Signatures in Plasma Based on Proteome Profiling of Mouse Tumor Models. Cancer Cell, v. 20, p. 289-299, 2011.
7. SCHLIEKELMAN, M. J. et al, Targets of the tumor suppressor miR-200 in regulation of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer. Cancer Research (Chicago, Ill.), v. Epub, p. Epub, 2011.
8. DOS SANTOS, G.A.; THOMÉ, C.H.; FAÇA, V. M. PRINCÍPIOS DE ESPECTOMETRIA DE MASSA. Métodos Diagnóstico: consulta rápida, 2. ed. : GRUPO A EDUCAÇÃO S. A., 2012.
9. FAÇA, V.M. Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Proteomics: contribution for identification of new markers and targets for medicine intervention. Expert Review of Proteomics, 2012 (in press).
10. THOMÉ, CH et al. Proteomic profiling of lipid rafts identifies the adaptor protein LAT2 as an early mediator of alkylphospholipid anti-leukemic activity (submitted). 

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