Selected Publications |
1. OLIVEIRA, Moacir F de ; FAVARON, P. O. ; AMBROSIO, C. E. ; MIGLINO, M. A. ; MESS, A . Chorioallantoic and Yolk sac placentation in Thrichomys laurentinus (Echimyidae) and the Evolution of Histricognath Rodents. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution, v. 318, p. 13-25, 2012. 2. WATANABE, I. ; Guimarães, J. P. ; Maia, M. O. ; SANTOS, T. C. ; Kfoury Jr, J. R. ; BOLETA, S. A. ; Almeida, S. R. Y. ; Righeti, M. M. ; MIGLINO, M. A. . SEM and Neurohistological Observations of Nerve Endings in the Middle Region of the Tongue of the Collared Peccary (Tayassu tajacu): A Silver Impregnation Method. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, v. 40, p. 128-133, 2011. 3. Carlesso Santos, Tatiana ; Yuri Fukuda, Katia ; Plácido Guimarães, Juliana ; Franco Oliveira, Moacir ; Angelica Miglino, Maria ; Watanabe, li-Sei ; Miglino, Maria Angélica . Light and Scanning Electron Microcopy Study of the Tongue in. Zoological Science (Cessou em 2003), v. 28, p. 41-46, 2011. 4. Barreto, R.S.N. ; Bressan, F.F. ; Oliveira, L.J. ; Pereira, F.T.V. ; Perecin, F. ; AMBRÓSIO, C.e. ; Meirelles, F.V. ; Miglino, M.A. ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Gene expression in placentation of farm animals: An overview of gene function during development. Theriogenology, p. 589-597, 2011. 5. Peres Ferraz de Melo, A. ; de Souza, W. Machado ; Rodrigues, R. Felipe ; Alves, F. Ribeiro ; Rici, R. Eli Graci ; Guerra, R. Romão ; Favaron, P. Oliveira ; Miglino, M. Angélica ; Di Dio, L. John Aphonso ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Anatomical Description of Arterial Segments of the Spleen of Deer. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, p. no-no, 2011. 6. Franciolli, Andrà Luis Rezende ; Cordeiro, Bruna Mascaro ; da Fonseca, Erika Toledo ; Rodrigues, Marcio Nogueira ; Sarmento, Carlos Alberto Palmeira ; AMBROSIO, Carlos Eduardo ; de Carvalho, Ana Flavia ; Miglino, Maria Angà lica ; Silva, Luciano Andrade . Characteristics of the equine embryo and fetus from days 15 to 107 of pregnancy. Theriogenology, v. 76, p. 819-832, 2011. 7. Cabral, Rosa M. ; Branco, Érika ; Rizzo, Márcia Dos S. ; Ferreira, Guilherme J. ; Gregores, Guilherme B. ; SAMOTO, Vivian Y. ; Stopiglia, Ângelo J. ; Maiorka, Paulo C. ; Fioretto, Emerson T. ; Capelozzi, Vera L. ; Borges, João B. ; Gomes, Susimeire ; Beraldo, Marcelo A. ; Carvalho, Carlos R. R. ; Miglino, Maria A. ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Cell therapy for fibrotic interstitial pulmonary disease: Experimental study. Microscopy Research and Technique (Print), p. n/a-n/a, 2011. 8. Beltrão-Braga P.C.B. ; Alysson Muotri ; Graciela C. Pignatari ; MAIORKA, Paulo Cesar ; OLIVEIRA, N. A. J. ; MIGLINO, M. A. ; KERKIS, I. . Feeder free derivation of induced pluripotent stm cells from human immature dental pulp stem cells. Cell Transplantation, v. 1, p. x-x, 2011. 9. FLAMINI, M. ; PORTIANSKY, E. L. ; FAVARON, P. O. ; MARTINS, D. S. ; AMBROSIO, C. E. ; Andrea Mess ; MIGLINO, M. A. ; BARBEITO, C. G. . Chorioallantoic and yolk sac placentation in the plains viscacha (Lagostomus maximus) – A caviomorph rodent with natural polyovulation. Placenta (Eastbourne), v. 32, p. 963-968, 2011. 10. GAIAD, T. P. ; SILVA, M. ; G.C.A. Silva ; Caromano, F.A. ; MIGLINO, M. A. ; AMBROSIO, C. E. . Physical therapy assessment tools to evaluate disease progression and phenotype variability in Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy. Research in Veterinary Science, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2011. 11. FAVARON, P. O. ; CARTER, A ; AMBROSIO, C. E. ; AC, M. ; MESS, A ; F, Oliveira M ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Placentation in sigmodontinae: a rodent taxon native to South America. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, v. 9, p. 55, 2011. 12. DS Martins ; AMBROSIO, C. E. ; Maiara Zoccal Saraiva ; WENCESLAU, C. V. ; AC, M. ; KERKIS, I. ; Garcia, JM ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Early Development and Putative Primordial Germ Cells Characterization in Dogs. Reproduction in Domestic Animals (1990), v. 46, p. 62-66, 2011. 13.A. Mezzalira A.; Lain U. Ohlweiler ; da Costa Gerger, Renato Pereira ; CASALI, R. ; VIEIRA, F. K. ; AMBROSIO, C. E. ; MIGLINO, M. A. ; J.L . Rodrigues ; Alceu Mezzalira ; BERTOLINI, Marcelo . Production of Bovine Hand-Made Cloned Embryos by Zygote Oocyte Cytoplasmic Hemi-complementation. Cloning and Stem Cells, v. 13, p. 65-76, 2011. 14. WENCESLAU, Cristiane Valverde ; Miglino, Maria Angélica ; Martins, Daniele Santos ; AMBRÓSIO, Carlos Eduardo ; Lizier, Nelson Foresto ; Pignatari, Graciela Conceição ; Kerkis, Irina . Mesenchymal progenitor cells from canine fetal tissues: yolk sac, liver and bone marrow. Tissue Engineering Part A, p. 110430055941052, 2011. 15. BRANCO, Erika ; Pereira, Washington Luiz Assunção ; De Lima, Ana Rita ; Franciolli, André Luiz Rezende ; RICI, Rose Eli Grassi ; Miglino, Maria Angelica ; Muniz, José Augusto Pereira Carneiro ; Imbeloni, Aline . Ultrastructural aspects of Callithrix penicillata lingual papillae. Microscopy Research and Technique (Print), p. n/a-n/a, 2011. 16. CASALS, J. B. ; PIERI, N. C. G. ; Feitosa M. L. T ; ERCOLIN, A. C. M. ; ROBALO, K. C. S. ; BARRETO, Rodrigo da Silva Nunes ; BRESSAN, Fabiana ; MARTINS, D. S. ; MIGLINO, M. A. ; AMBROSIO, C. E. . The use of animal models for stroke research: A review. Comparative Medicine (Memphis), v. 4, p. 1-9, 2011. 17. AMBROSIO, C. E. ; WENCESLAU, C. V. ; José Luiz Nogueira ; ABREU, D. K. ; RODRIGUES, E. A. F. ; LESSA, L. B. ; MARTINS, D. S. ; BERTOLINI, L. R. ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Fetal membranes stem cells application in pets. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online), v. 39, p. 97-101, 2011. 18. BIRGEL, E. H. ; BIRGEL JUNIOR, Eduardo Harry ; MEIRELLES, F. V. ; KOMNINOU, R. ; NUNES, M. T. ; POGLIONI, Fábio Celidonio ; FANTINATO NETO, P. ; YASUOKA, M. M. ; PIMENTEL, J. R. V. ; Flávia Saldanha Kubrusly ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Clinical disorders observed during the first 30 days of life of cloned Zebu calf. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online), v. 39, p. 243-252, 2011. 19. ASSIS NETO, Antonio Chaves de ; GALDOS, A. C. R. ; MACANARES, A. C. F. ; Miryan Villa Alberto ; AMBROSIO, C. E. ; FAVARON, P. O. ; MEIRELLES, F. V. ; MIGLINO, M. A. . Abnormalities in bovine conceptus development during the embryonic phase after In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and cloning by nuclear transfer (NT). Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online), v. 39, p. 223-226, 2011.