Maristela Delgado Orellana |
Education |
1984 – 1987 Graduated in Biologic Sciences, FFCL of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo |
Research Interests |
Somatic Stem Cells |
Research Overview | The major focus of our group is to perform researches on adult stem cells as well as on mesenchymal stem cells. These basic studies of biological characterization of mesenchymal stem cells might contribute to their clinical use. Actually, we also perform researches to generate in vitro hematopoietic stem cells and differentiated blood cells from hESCs and hiPS. The studies can be used to better understand human hematopoiesis and to develop clinically applicable hematopoietic cell–based therapies. | |
Lab Staff |
Karen de Lima Prata, Doctor Degree Cell Biology Technicians Karina Rosa Solano |
Collaborators | ||
International Collaborators |
Facilities Coordination | ||
Selected Publications | 1. Prata, K L, Orellana, M D, SANTIS, G. C., KASHIMA, S., FONTES, A. M., BONINI, P. V., CARRARA, R. C. V., Neder, L., COVAS, D. T. Effects of high-dose chemotherapy on bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from lymphoma patients. Experimental Hematology. , v.38, p.238 – 300, 2010. 2. COVAS, D, FONTES, A, SILVAJR, W, ORELLANA, M, FREITAS, M, NEDER, L, SANTOS, A, PERES, L, JAMUR, M Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells obtained from diverse human tissues share functional properties and gene-expression profile with CD146+ perivascular cells and fibroblasts. Experimental Hematology. , v.36, p.642 – 654, 2008. 3. Penteado, F.C.L., Orellana, M D, FONTES, A. M., COVAS, D. T. Diferenciação hepatocítica de células-tronco mesenquimais da medula óssea humana. Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada. , v.28, p.325 – 334, 2007. 4. CARRARA, R. C. V., ORELLNA, M. D., FONTES, A. M., PALMA, P. V. B., KASHIMA, S., MENDES, M. R., COUTINHO, M. A., VOLTARELLI, J. C., COVAS, D. T. Mesenchymal stem cells from patients with chronic myeloid leukemia do not express BCR-ABL and have absence of chimerism after allogeneic bone marrow transplant.. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. , v.40, p.57 – 67, 2007. 5. Penteado, Flora Cristina Lobo, Medeiros, Luciene, Orellana, Maristela Delgado, Palma, Patricia, Fontes, Aparecida Maria, Takayanagui, Osvaldo Massaiti, Covas, Dimas Tadeu Clonagem e expressão da glicoproteína transmembrana do retrovírus HTLV-1 em células de mamíferos. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. , v.39, p.169 – 173, 2006. 6. Fontes, Aparecida M., Orellana, Maristela D., Palma, Patricia V.B. Maturation of dendritic cells following exposure to different maturational stimuli. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. , v.28, p.89 – 96, 2006. 7. GOÉS, E. G., Borges, J.C., Orellana, M D, Orellana, M D, Morais, F.R., Pelá, C.A. Quality control of blood irradiation: determination T cells radiosensitivity to cobalt-60 gamma rays. Transfusion (Arlington). , v.46, p.34 – 40, 2006. 8. PICCINATO, C, COVAS, D, Orellana, M D, SIUFI, J. L. C., Silva Junior, W.A., Proto-Siqueira, R., Rizzati, E.G., Neder, L., SILVA, A. R. L., Rocha, V., ZAGO, M. A. Mesenchymal stem cells can be obtained from the human saphena vein. Experimental Cell Research. , v.309, p.340 – 344, 2005. 9. Catalán, A.M.C., Izumi, C., Gomes, G.G., Oliver, C., Jamur, M.C., ORELLANA, M. D., COVAS, D. T., PALMA, P. V. B., Morais, F.R., Greene, L.J. Proteoma mitocondrial de monócitos humanos. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto). , v.38, p.27 – , 2005. 10. Panepucci, R. A., SIUFI, J. L. C., SILVA JUNIOR, W. A., Proto-Siqueira, R., Neder, L., ORELLANA, M. D., Rocha, V., COVAS, D. T., ZAGO, M. A. Comparison of Gene Expression of Umbilical Cord Vein and Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. . , v.22, p.1263 – 1278, 2004. 11. Covas, D.T., Siufi, J.L.C., Silva, A.R.L., Orellana, M.D. Isolation and culture of umbilical vein mesenchymal stem cells. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. , v.36, p.1179 – , 2003. 12. Watanabe, M, Cavassin, G.G.O., ORELLANA, M. D., Milanezi, C.M., VOLTARELLI, J. C., KASHIMA, S., COVAS, D. T. SDF-1 gene polymorphisms and syncytia induction in Brazilian HIV-1 infected individuals. Microbial Pathogenesis. , v.35, p.31 – 34, 2003. 13. Martini Filho, R.J., GOÉS, E. G., Barlette, V.E., COVAS, D. T., ORELLANA, M. D. Estudo da frequência de células T através da técnica LDA em culturas irradiadas entre 0 e 500 cGy. Disciplinarum Scientia. Série Ciências Exatas. , v.2, p.153 – 159, 2001. 14. Vasconcelos, G.S., Machado, A. A., COVAS, D. T., Watanabe, M.A.E., KASHIMA, S., ORELLANA, M. D., SILVA, A. R. L. Fatores epidemiólogicos, relacionados à progressão lenta da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS).. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto). , v.33, p.123 – 128, 2000. 15. Delgado, M., Delgado, M., GUERREIRO, J. F., SANTOS, S. E. B., ZAGO, M. A. Gene Frequencies of the HPA-1 and HPA-2 Platelet Antigen Alleles among the Amerindians. Vox Sanguinis (Basel). , v.73, p.182 – 184, 1997. 16. ORELLNA, M. D., COVAS, D. T., ZEITUNE, M. M., ZAGO, M. A. DNA Analysis demonstrates racial heterogeneity of platelet HPA-1 and HPA-2 antigen systems.. Blood Suplement. , v.86, p.897a/3574 – 897, 1995. 17. Mengel, José, Daré, Leopoldo, Daré, Gustavo Marcelo, Delgado, Maristela, Nomizo, Auro, Silva, João S., Campos-Neto, Antonio An activated murine B cell lymphoma line (A-20) produces a factor-like activity which is functionally related to human natural killer cell stimulatory factor. European Journal of Immunology. , v.22, p.3173 – 3178, 1992. 18. SANTOS, I. K. F., Delgado, M., BONINI, P. V., BUNN-MORENO, CAMPOS-NETO A crude extract of Artocarpus integrifolia contains two lectins with distinct biological activities.. Immunology Letters. , v.31, p.65 – 72, 1991. |