International Collaboration

Project Foreign coordinator Financial support
Overexpression of EMT genes in endothelial cells during endothelial mesenchymal transition (DT Covas) Robert Weinberg, MIT, USA FAPESP (Brazil, 10/51962-9) & MIT
Telomere dysfunction as a mechanism of human stem cell disease; induced pluripotent stem cells to model telomere regulation and cell therapy (RT Calado) Neal Young, NIH, Bethesda, USA NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine Pilot Projects for Clinical Applications (2011-2012)
The role of Dido locus in the differentiation of stem cells and in myeloid neoplasias (DT Covas and MA Zago) Carlos Martínez, National Center of Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain CNPq (Brazil, 560884/2010-9 )  & MICINN (Spain)
Prognostic association of genetic polymorphisms of drug metabolism and innate immune response on umbilical cord blood transplantation outcomes (MA Zago) Eliane Gluckman, Eurocord, Hôpital Saint Louis, Paris
Generation of iPS cells from patients with Fanconi anemia belonging to different complementation groups, to study the DNA-repair mechanisms in the hematopoietic stem cells (RT Calado) Ricardo Pasquini, UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil
Impact of RNA processing and regulation in human normal and cancer stem cell differentiation (WA Silva Jr) Gene Yeo, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, UCSD, USA
Molecular Genetics of Prostate Cancer: Role of Stem Cells (WA Silva Jr) Gerhard A Coetzee, Preventive Med, Norris Cancer Center, USC, USA
Generation of a hiPSC library of the Brazilian population (LV Pereira) Jeanne Loring, Scripps Institute, La Jolla, California, USA BNDES (Brazil) and FINEP (Brazil)
Introducing embryonic and somatic mitochondria on parthenogenesis development in vitro (FV Meirelles) Joanna Poulton, Univ. Oxford, UK

Lawrence Smith, Univ. Montreal, Quebec, Canada

FAPESP (Brazil, 2010/13384-3) & INCT (Brazil)
iPS reprogramming prior to cloning (FV Meirelles) Konrad Hochedingler, Harvard University, Boston, MA FAPESP (Brazil, 2011/08376-4)
Cell Therapy and Synthetic Biology for Hemophilia A (DT Covas) Graça Almeida-Porada, Wake Forest Univ.- School of Medicine CNPq – INCTC 573754/2008-0
Transcriptional regulation mechanisms of HOX genes in Medulloblastoma (DT Covas) Gregory J. Riggins and Angelo A. Cardoso, John Hopkins – School of Medicine and Indiana Univ. – School of Medicine Fapesp 2011/20829-4
Immune monitoring of type 1 diabetes patients after stem cell transplantation (JC Voltarelli) Bart Otto Roep (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Holland) INCTC CNPq (573754/2008-0)
High dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis (JC Voltarelli) Richard K. Burt (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA) INCTC CNPq (573754/2008-0)
Randomized trials of high dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases (JC Voltarelli) Dominique Farge-Bancel (Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, France) INCTC CNPq (573754/2008-0)
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