Valéria Valente


Valeria Valente
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, FCFAr/UNESP
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1992-1995 Graduation in Biologic Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil
1996-1999 Master Thesis in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo
2001-2005 PhD Thesis in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo
2006-2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto/SP 

Research Interests  

Cancer Genetics / Glioblastoma multiforme
DNA Repair and Resistance
Cancer Stem Cell 

Research Overview   The major interest of our group is to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie aggressiveness and therapy resistance of glioblastoma cells. We are profiling the expression pattern of DNA repair genes in astrocytoma samples in order to identify mechanisms with potential to sensitize GBM cells to therapy. We have found that HJURP, a novel protein involved the repair of double strand breaks, is remarkably overexpressed in astrocytomas and that its knockdown strongly affects the maintenance cells of GBM cells in a selective manner. These data highlight the potential of HJURP as a therapeutic target for high-grade gliomas and impel us to extend the functional characterization of this gene in GBM cells. For this, we are pursuing the identification of HJURP partners and genomic binding sites in different glioma and normal cell lines, and also investigating the HJURP correlation with radioresistance. We are also interested in the characterization of biological properties of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs), which present self-renewal capacity, unlimited proliferative potential, differentiation competence, and are extremely resistant to radio and chemotherapies. For this purpose, we will apply whole genomic approaches such as microarray analysis and next generation sequencing in order to profile gene expression, characterize epigenetic alterations, and detect chromosomal rearrangements and single nucleotide variations, which are particular to CSCs. 
Lab Staff  

Rodolfo Bortolozo Serafim, Master Student
Juliana Ferreira de Sousa, Master Student
Bruna Cristina Ulian Silva, Undergraduate Student
Fábio Dalbon Escanfella, Undergraduate Student
Fernando Soares Adorni, Undergraduate Student
Leonardo César de Oliveira, Undergraduate Student
Luís Fernando Macedo Christovan, Undergraduate Student


Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Jr, MD PhD
Universidade de São Paulo
Departamento de Cirurgia e Anatomia

Daniela Pretti da Cunha Tirapelli, PhD
Universidade de São Paulo
Departamento de Cirurgia e Anatomia

Wilson Araújo da Silva Jr, PhD
Universidade de São Paulo
Departamento de Genética 

International Collaborators  

Gerhard A Coetzee, PhD
Professor of Urology and Preventive Medicine
USC/Norris Cancer Center, NOR6411
1441 Eastlake Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Gene Yeo, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
UCSD Bioinformatics Graduate Program
USSD Stem Cell Initiative
9500 Gilman Drive, CMM-E
La Jolla California, 92093-0695 

Facilities Coordination    
Selected Publications  

1. Pereira G.B.; Valente, V.; Queiroz M.S.; Vianna, M.C.B.; Paçó-Larson, M.L. Overexpression of kermit/dGIPC is associated with lethality in Drosophila melanogaster. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research – on line, v. Epub, p. Fev 2011, 2011.
2. Valente, V.; Maia, R.M.; Vianna, M.C.B.; Paçó-Larson, M.L. Drosophila melanogaster lipins are tissue-regulated and developmentally regulated and present specific subcellular distributions. The FEBS Journal (Print), v. 277, p. 4775-4788, 2010.
3. Sousa, J.F.; Torrieri, R.; Silva, R.R.; Pereira, C.G.; Valente, V.; Torrieri, E.; Peronni, K.C.; Martins, W.; Muto, N.; Francisco, G.; Brohem, C.A.; Carlotti, C.G.C.; Maria-Engler, S.S.; Chammas, R.; Espreafico, E.M.; Hannenhalli, S. Novel Primate-Specific Genes, RMEL 1, 2 and 3, with Highly Restricted Expression in Melanoma, Assessed by New Data Mining Tool. Plos ONE, v. 5, p. e13510, 2010.
4. Valente, V.; Teixeira, S.; Neder, L.S.; Okamoto, O.K.; Oba-Shinjo, S.M.; Marie, S.K.N.; Scrideli, C.A.; Paçó-Larson, M.L.; Carlotti Junior, C.G. Selection of Suitable Housekeeping Genes for Expression Analysis In Glioblastoma Using Quantitative RT-PCR. BMC Molecular Biology, V. 10, P. 17, 2009.
5. Gitai, D. L. G.; Martinelli, H.N.; Valente, V.; Pereira, M.G.A.G.; Oliveira, J.A.C.; Elias, C.F.; Bittencourt, J.C.; Leite, J. P.; Costa-Neto, C.M.; Garcia-Cairasco, N.; Paçó-Larson, M. L. Increased Expression of Glur2-Flip In The Hippocampus of The Wistar Audiogenic Rat Strain After Acute and Kindled Seizures. Hippocampus, V. 00, P. 00, 2009.
6. Maia*, R. M.; Valente*, V.; Cunha, M. A. V.; Sousa, J. F.; Araujo, D. D.; Silva Jr, W. A.; Dias-Neto, E.; Souza, S. J.; Simpson, A. J. G.; Monesi, N. ; Ramos, R. G. P. ; Espreafico, E. M. ; Paçó-Larson, M. L. . Identification of Unannotated Exons of Low Abundance Transcripts In Drosophila Melanogaster And Cloning of a New Serine Protease Gene Upregulated Upon Injury. BMC Genomics, V. 24, P. 249-258, 2007.
7. Nunes, F. M.; Valente, V.; Sousa, J. F.; Cunha, M. A. V.; Pinheiro, G. D.; Maia, R. M.; Araujo, D. D.; Costa, M. C.; Martins, W. K.; Monesi, N.; Ramos, R. G. P. ; Dias-Neto, E. ; Espreafico, E. M. ; Simoes, Z. ; Silva Jr, W. A. . The Use of Open Reading Frame ESTs (Orestes) for Analysis of The Honey Bee Transcriptome. BMC Genomics, V. 5, N. 1, P. 84, 2004.
8. Silva Jr, W. A.; Bonatto, S. L.; Holanda, A. J.; Santos, A. K. R.; Paixão, B. M.; Goldman, G.; Sandes, K. A.; Delfin, L. R.; Barbosa, M.; Paçólarson, M. L.; Petzlerler, M. L. ; Valente, V.; Santos, S. E. B. ; Zago, M. A. Mitochondrial Genome Diversity of Native Americans Supports a Single Early Immigration Wave. American Journal of Human Genetics, USA, V. 71, N. 1, P. 187-192, 2002.
9. Camargo, A. A.; Samaia, H. P. B.; Dias-Neto, E.; Simão, D. F.; Migotto, I. A.; Briones, M. R. S.; Costa, F. F.; Nagai, M. A.; Verjovski-Almeida, S.; Zago, M. A.; Andrade, L. E.; Carrer, H.; El-Dorry, H. F.; Valente, V.; et al. The Contribution of 700,000 Open Reading Frame Expressed Sequence Tags to The Definition of The Human Transcriptome. PNAS. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, V. 98, P. 12103-12108, 2001.
10. Souza, S. J.; Camargo, A. A.; Briones, M. R. S.; Costa, F. F.; Nagai, M. A.; Verjovski-Almeida, S.; Zago, M. A.; Andrade, L. E. C.; Carrer, H.; Hamza, F. A. E.; Valente, V.; et al. Identification of Human Chromosome 22 Transcribed Sequences With ORF Expressed Sequence Tags. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, United States of America, V. 97, N. 23, p. 12690-12693, 2000.


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