Wilson Araújo Silva Junior


Wilson A Silva Jr

Full Professor of Genetics, FMRP/USP
Member of the Brazilian Society of Genetics
Head of the Department of Genetics at FMRP-USP
Coordinator of the Center of Genomic Medicine of the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo
Coordinator of the Nucleus of Support for Research in Integrated Systemic Biology of FMRP-USP.

 Scholar ResearcherID Scopus


1986-1989  Graduated in Biologic Sciences, Federal University of Pará, Brazil
1991-1993  Master Thesis in Genetics, Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo
1993-1999  PhD in Genetics, Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo
2005 Full Professor, University of São Paulo, Brazil
2006-2008  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Researcher at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York/NY

Research Interests   Cancer Genetics
Genetic Diseases
RNA regulation
Research Overview   The major focus of our group is to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in genetic diseases and cancer development. We are using whole genomic analysis to identify and characterize genetic program/gene pathways that drive tumorigenic processes, and biomarkers of diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic orientation. We are also interested in the characterization of biological properties of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs), which present self-renewal capacity, unlimited proliferative potential, differentiation competence, and are extremely resistant to radio and chemotherapies. For this pourpose, we are applying next generation sequencing in order to profile gene expression, characterize epigenetic alterations, detect chromosomal rearrangements, and single nucleotide variations in coding and regulatory gene regions (RNAseq, ChIP-Seq, DNA methylation, Exome, and Paired-End protocols) in several solid tumors including: head and neck carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, glioblastoma multiforme and osteosarcoma.
Lab Staff   Molecular Genetics Group
Júlio Lorenzi, PhD Student
Cleidson de Pádua Alves, Post-Doc/CNPq
Daniel Onofre Vidal, Post-Doc/FAPESP
Dalila Lucíola Zanette, Post-Doc/FAPESP

Bioinformatics Group
Israel Tojal da Silva, PhD Bioinformatician
Daniel Guariz Pinheiro, PhDBioinformatician
Jorge Estefano Santana de Souza, PhD Bioinformatician
Marcelo Gomes de Paula, Technical support

Molecular Biology Technicians
Adriana Aparecida Marques
Cristiane Ayres Ferreira
Anemari Dinarde dos Santos, MSc.
Greice Andreotti de Molfetta, PhD.

Collaborators   Silvia Regina Caminada de Toledo, PhD Universidade Federal de São Paulo Laboratório de Genética silviatoledo@graacc.org.br
Valeria Valente, PhD Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Araraquara/UNESP Laboratório de Biologia Celular valenteval@gmail.com
Houtan Noushmehr, PhD Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP Laboratório de Biologia Integrativa houtana@gmail.com
International Collaborators   Gerhard A Coetzee, PhD Professor of Urology and Preventive Medicine USC/Norris Cancer Center, NOR6411 1441 Eastlake Ave Los Angeles, CA 90089
Gene Yeo, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine UCSD Bioinformatics Graduate Program USSD Stem Cell Initiative 9500 Gilman Drive, CMM-E La Jolla California, 92093-0695
Facilities Coordination   DNA sequencing (ABI 3500 xL Genetic Analyzer)Next Generation Sequencing (Genome Analyzer IIx, Illumina)Bioinformatics Analysis
Selected Publications   1. Garcia DF, Oliveira TG, Molfetta GA, Garcia LV, Ferreira CA, Marques AA, Silva WA Jr. Biochemical and genetic analysis of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in a family, due to prolonged neuromuscular blockade after the use of succinylcholine. Genet Mol Biol. 2011 Jan;34(1):40-4
2. Montoro JR, Mamede RC, Neder Serafini L, Saggioro FP, Figueiredo DL, Silva WA  Jr, Jungbluth AA, Spagnoli GC, Zago MA. Expression of cancer-testis antigens MAGE-A4 and MAGE-C1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Head Neck. 2011 Nov 15. doi: 10.1002/hed.21880.
3. Kannen V, Marini T, Zanette DL, Frajacomo FT, Silva GE, Silva WA Jr, Garcia SB. The melatonin action on stromal stem cells within pericryptal area in colon cancer model under constant light. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Feb 25;405(4):593-8.
4. Silva IT, Vêncio RZ, Oliveira TY, Molfetta GA, Silva WA Jr. ProbFAST: Probabilistic functional analysis system tool. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010 Mar 30;11:161.
5. Pinheiro DG, Galante PA, de Souza SJ, Zago MA, Silva WA Jr. A score system for quality evaluation of RNA sequence tags: an improvement for gene expression profiling. BMC Bioinformatics. 2009 Jun 6;10:170.
6. Dos Santos ML, Gimenes KP, Silva WA Jr, Nagai MA. Transcriptome changes induced by docetaxel in human mammary cell lines expressing different levels of ERBB2. Int J Mol Med. 2009 Jun;23(6):733-43.
7. Silva WA Jr, Gnjatic S, Ritter E, Chua R, Cohen T, Hsu M, Jungbluth AA, Altorki NK, Chen YT, Old LJ, Simpson AJ, Caballero OL. PLAC1, a trophoblast-specific cell surface protein, is expressed in a range of human tumors and elicits spontaneous antibody responses. Cancer Immun. 2007 Nov 6;7:18.
8. Zanette DL, Rivadavia F, Molfetta GA, Barbuzano FG, Proto-Siqueira R, Silva-Jr WA, Falcão RP, Zago MA. miRNA expression profiles in chronic lymphocytic and acute lymphocytic leukemia. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2007 Nov;40(11):1435-40.
9. Amaral FC, Torres N, Saggioro F, Neder L, Machado HR, Silva WA Jr, Moreira AC, Castro M. MicroRNAs differentially expressed in ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jan;94(1):320-3.10. Silva WA Jr, Covas DT, Panepucci RA, Proto-Siqueira R, Siufi JL, Zanette DL, Santos AR, Zago MA. The profile of gene expression of human marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells. 2003;21(6):661-9.
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